The unwinding of the war in Iraq and the threat of escalating the war in Afghanistan by Barack Obama is bearing the bitter fruits in such tragedy. Major Hsasn looks like he hated these wars. In such cases passions flare and crazy things. It is extremely imaginable though that such educated man with medical degrees Major Hasan to do such act which is total violation and betrayal of trust in his duty as a member of the armed service and an officer who was promoted to the rank of Major. The killing of innocent human beings and fellow service men is totally unjustifiable and lack any logic. Such act of Major Hasan should had been realized by Major Hasan is a crime of extreme magnitude and it gross act of cowardice to shoot unarmed people or soldiers. Why Major Haasn takes his frustrations on innocent people? In retrospect why he didn't refuse to be deployed and accept jail term consequence instead of shedding blood. As a single man 39 years old he may had sexual frustration and sense o...