
Showing posts from August, 2011

Obama Video Egyptian Monologue

President Barack Obama Campaigning Green Tractor Background


Anti-Obama Web Sites


Barack Obama and John Boehner Playing Golf Who has Better Shot?


John Boehner if You Want to Get on Barack Obama Midwest Bus Tour Buy a Ticket

John Boehner lies an dnonsense. “Republicans have acted on common-sense, pro-growth policies aimed at creating a better environment for job creation,” said Boehner in a statement, pointing to the Plan for America’s Job Creators, Rep. Paul Ryan’s budget plan, and the Cut, Cap, and Balance plan. Obama began his three-day bus tour through the Midwest on Monday. It will take him to Iowa, Illinois and Minnesota. The Speaker, however, highlighted the fact that the President did not offer any details on his plan to spur job creation and economic growth. At an event in St. Paul, MN, Monday, Obama had some harsh words for the GOP presidential candidates. “I know it’s not election season yet, but I just have to mention the debate,” said Obama, noting that all candidates said they would not raise taxes under any circumstances. “Think about that. That’s just not common sense.”

Barack Obama Fabled Tour Bus in MidWest and Photos

Prosperous America with big tummies.

Letter to Barack Obama Extending the Tax Cuts for businesses is Bad Idea and Spoiled Lemon

I advise Mr. Obama that his idea of extending the tax cuts for businesses is bad idea and catastrophic. Already there was big battle to raise the national ceiling and government default was at risk. Stop the idea of sacrificing the government revenue from taxation in failing tax cuts. Such tax cuts for businesses will go to higher salaries for people who are already working and will not make dent in the 9% employment figure. What is needed incentive for companies to hire the long time unemployed. Such incentives wave social security contributions for one year when long time unemployed get hired. Some voucher for companies to train unemployed person when hired. Similar ideas can be thought of and implemented. The continuation of tax cuts and extending beyond expiration is bad and sour lemon. I strongly oppose it.

Obama Bus Tour 2012 Started

Sarah Palin: President Obama's bus is about to run yours off the road Evil Sarah Palin: President Obama's bus is about to run yours off the road. Sarah Palin is wicked and very vicious like pit bull.

President Barack Obama Photo
