
Showing posts from December, 2011

Year 2012 Colorful Calender


Gingrich Romney Paul Perry and Clown Bachmann Reoublican Race 2011 December Poll

Gingrich 25%  Romney 25%    Paul 11%   Perry 8%   Bachmann 5% Anti-Muslims fanatic Gingrich will be further sink and flushed out. Bachmann another Muslim hater will go to hell. Trial Heat: Obama vs. Romney   Obama 50%  +3% Romney 48 %  +2%

Barack Obama Christmas Speech too much politics and Narrow in Scope

President and Michelle Obama’s Christmas message was about keeping families whole

Barack Obama Message Troups Exit fom Iraq Decenber-2011

Good afternoon, After nearly nine years, our war in Iraq is ending. In recent days, many of our troops have come home and been reunited with their families for the holidays. Over the next few days, a small group of American soldiers will begin the final march out of Iraq. This moment of success is because of their sacrifice. More than 1.5 million Americans have served in Iraq. More than 30,000 of these brave men and women were wounded. Nearly 4,500 gave their lives. America’s military families have borne a heavy burden.

Barack Obama Christmas White House Family Picture 2011
