
Showing posts from June, 2012

Obama Care Approved Supreme Court Upholds

Better Health, Better Care, Lower Costs: Reforming Health Care Delivery As our nation works to bring health care costs under control, much of the focus is on how to make changes to our health care system that will improve the quality and safety of care and provide measureable savings in the coming decade. The Affordable Care Act makes an historic investment in tools to help transform our health care delivery system over the long run—tools that will reduce and eliminate preventable injuries to patients, reward quality and innovation, and spur adoption of technology that improves care while better aligning payment incentives to reward providers who work to improve care. The long-term savings from these reforms are not yet being fully realized, but they are setting the stage for a transformation of the way that health care is delivered in the United States, to put us on a path toward a patient-centered system that rewards the quality of care delivered, not just the quantity of serv...

What the Supreme Court's ruling means for your health care June 28-2012

What the Supreme Court's ruling means for your health care Today, the Supreme Court issued a historic ruling: They upheld the Affordable Care Act and ensured that millions of American families will have access to health care and protection from the worst abuses of the insurance industry. Lots of people have questions about the Affordable Care Act, the Supreme Court's decision, and their health care coverage. We've pulled together the most useful information -- including President Obama's remarks after the announcement -- at Watch the video and get the facts here. Because the law has an impact on so many Americans, it's important to understand its basic parts. We've also put together a list of facts about the Affordable Care Act. Will you give it a read, and then pass it on?

Barack Obama Picture with Grandparents a Grand Mother Hug


Obama war on Social Security Contribution Cuts

The most recent Social Security trustees report says that, under intermediate assumptions, the Social Security trust fund will be exhausted in 2033, which would result in a 23 percent reduction in benefits if Congress and future administrations do not deal with the shortfall. This is three years earlier than last year’s report. Obama did nothing but ruining the Social Security by cutting its revenue with 50%.

US Supreme Court Chief Justices

Name State App't From Appointed by President Judicial Oath Taken Date Service Terminated Chief Justices Jay, John New York Washington (a) October 19, 1789 June 29, 1795 Rutledge, John South Carolina Washington August 12, 1795 December 15, 1795 Ellsworth, Oliver Connecticut Washington March 8, 1796 December 15, 1800 Marshall, John Virginia Adams, John February 4, 1801 July 6, 1835 Taney, Roger Brooke Maryland Jackson March 28, 1836 October 12, 1864 Chase, Salmon Portland Ohio Lincoln December 15, 1864 May 7, 1873 Waite, Morrison Remick Ohio Grant March 4, 1874 March 23, 1888 Fuller, Melville Weston Illinois Cleveland October 8, 1888 July 4, 1910 White, Edward Douglass Louisiana Taft December 19, 1910 May 19, 1921 Taft, William Howard Connecticut Harding July 11, 1921 February 3, 1930 Hughes, Charles Evans New York Hoover February 24, 1930 June 30, 1941 Stone, Harlan Fiske New York Roosevelt, F. July 3, 1941 April 22, 1946 Vinson, Fred Moore Kentucky Truman June 24, 1...