Post 135 Historical Events in June 1941
20th German U-203 fails on torpedo attack on US battleship Texas 21st 2nd French troops occupies Damascus Syria 21st After winning 20 straight at Fenway, Lefty Grove loses to Browns 22nd Estonians starts armed resistance against Soviet occupation 22nd Finland invades Karelia 22nd Operation Barbarossa: Nazi Germany invades the Soviet Union during WWII 22nd Germany, Italy & Romania declare war on Soviet Union 22nd Michael Gerasimov opens grave of Tamerlan "Lenk" 22nd The Lithuanian 1941 independence begins. 22nd Various Communist and Socialist French Resistance movements merge to one group. 23rd Germany occupies Telz, Lithuana 24th Entire Jewish male population of Gorzhdy Lithuania, exterminated 24th Germans advanced into Russia & took Vilna, Brest-Litovsk & Kaunas 25th -26] Russian counter attack at Rovno 25th FDR issues Executive Order 8802 forbidding discrimination 25th Fair Employment Practices Commission established 25th Finla...