Big Crime in London, England Terror and Blood A Lone Foolish Muslim Tarnish Image of Muslims
Muslims around the world are dismayed that the act of a single individual committing a terrorist act killing four and himself and injuring scores of innocent people. This injures the image of Muslims and Islam around. This act is savage, inhumane and absolutely have no Islamic or religious bases. Totally senseless. There must be compensation for the victim families who lost loved ones. Muslims specially in Britain needs to raise money to help the injured and the families of dead slain ones. The assailant can be just a common criminal with violent tendencies. Khalid Masood was known to police but not subject of surveillance Masood, 52, was born in Kent and detectives believe he was most recently living in the West Midlands. Masood was also known by a number of aliases, police said in a statement. Scotland Yard said Masood was not the subject of any current investigations and there was no prior intelligence about his intent to mount a terrorist attack. However, he was k...