CNN correspondent Ed Henry The Height of Rudeness and Demagoguery to Barack Obama

CNN correspondent Ed Henry showed extreme rudeness, demagoguery and disrespect to president Barack Obama. Ed Henry addressed Barack Obama and berated him like Barack was child. His question was not a question but actually a disparaging commentary. He charged that the treasury department responded to the AIG issue more competently than the White House. He implied that the White House is in shame. Certainly, it is not a horse race track and empty words completion that would make the White House better than the treasury or vice verse. It is a complicated issue this AIG huge bonuses to whom they benefited and should be approached carefully.
What Ed Henry wants is a culture of theatrics and making empty statements of politicians and the White House to pacify the so called and assumed public anger. Just condemning the AIG bonuses few days earlier by Barack Obama would have not made the problem of AIG bonuses disappear.
Ed Henry in a capsule is an extreme right winger.


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