
Showing posts from January, 2012

Newt Gingrich not One FXXX but two FXXX Picture Photo


Fanatic Catholics Gingrich and Santorum attack Islamic Sharia Calling it existential threat to America

Oklahoma, Tennessee and Louisiana each passed laws or referendums to ban state judges from considering sharia and other foreign laws last year, and more than 20 other states have debated similar legislation. Newt Gingrich has called for a federal law to ban sharia, while his fellow Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum has said sharia law is an ""existential threat" to America.

Latino Voters Making a Big Impact on American Elections

Image are likely to be pivotal in the 2012 elections. State Latino adult population as % of 2000 Latino adult population as % of 2010 % Increase in Latino population 2000-2010 2008 winner Winning % North Carolina 4.3 6.8 90.2 Obama 49.7 Virginia 4.2 6.9 88.2 Obama 52.6 Nevada 16.7 22.3 83.5 Obama 55.1 Missouri 1.8 2.9 73.5 McCain 49.3 Indiana 3.1 4.8 70 Obama 49.8 Ohio 1.6 2.5 60 Obama 51.2 Florida 16.1 21.1 57.5 Obama 50.9 Arizona 21.3 25 48.4 McCain 53.4 Texas 28.6 33.6 43.4 McCain 55.4 Colorado 14.9 17.5 39 Obama 53.6 New Mexico 38.7 42.3 28.6 Obama 56.9 The Hispanic Age. Florida’s

Republican Presidential Debate 2012 In Florida

obama union speech


january 23 republican debate Ron Paul on a 3rd Party run NBC Republican Debate 1/23/12


video Nat cole


John Lenon Love Video


Newt Gringrich Strong Winning Speech in South Carolina

Mitt Romney Damn it it hurts to loose South Carolina

Looks like he is crying. Mormonism may have played a role. His attacks on Obama is full of lies and garbage.

Mitt Romney lead in jeopardy in South Carolina as the Race tightens

Romney has 30% support, followed by Newt Gingrich with 20% and Ron Paul and Rick Santorum , who are tied at 13% “Clearly things are collapsing,” Gallup political director Frank Newport said in an appearance on MSNBC earlier today. But a poll out of South Carolina is more immediately troublesome for Romney. Clemson University’s newest 2012 Palmetto Poll shows Romney trailing Gingrich in the South's first primary state, where voting starts tomorrow morning. The poll found Gingrich with 32% support, followed by Romney with 26%, Paul with 11% and Santorum with 9%. Here’s the way the GOP lead has stacked up at various times, based on Gallup polls and Gallup Daily tracking last year: Rocked in South Carolina over the weekend, an increasingly aggressive Mitt Romney looked to take the fight to Newt Gingrich in debate Monday night as the combative Republican presidential contest shifted farther south to Florida. The fireworks began before they walked onto the debate sta...

Repubican Debate January-19-2012 S- Charleston, South Carolina video nine parts

Full coverage video part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4 part 5 part 6 Pt. 7 - CNN Southern Republican GOP Presidential Debate - Charleston, SC - January 19, 2012 Pt. 8 - CNN Southern Republican GOP Presidential Debate - Charleston, SC - January 19, 2012 Pt. 9 - CNN Southern Republican GOP Presidential Debate - Charleston, SC - January 19, 2012

Newt Gingrirch Playing Magic Fingers Play Two Wives

33Comments Campaign 2012Newt Gingrich’s marriage(s) problem Posted by Chris Cillizza at 02:32 PM ET, 01/19/2012 Text Size PrintE-mailReprintsShare:More > FacebookTwitterLinkedInRedditStumbleUponDiggDeliciousGoogle +1It’s no secret to anyone who has paid even passing attention to the 2012 Republican presidential race that Newt Gingrich has been married three times. Republican presidential candidate, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich speaks at the Christ Central Community Center in Winnsboro, S.C., Wednesday, Jan., 18, 2012. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)But, revelations today from his second wife, Marianne, that Gingrich wanted an “open marriage” have the potential to pick the scab off of the former House Speaker’s personal life less than 48 hours before the South Carolina presidential primary. “I think it opens up the portal more widely on the whole character issue,” said one senior Republican strategist granted anonymity to speak candidly. “If this were on...

Dummy Rick Perry out of the Republicans Horse Race and Back to Texas


Rick Perry anti-Muslim Christian Muslim Christian Religious Fanatic?

Rick Perry Suggests Turkey Should Be Kicked Out Of NATO, Calls Leaders ‘Islamic Terrorists’ I am mad and I mean it.

Jon Huntsman is now Jon the Quitman Escapes the Republican Presidential Primaries for 2012


Lad Jon Huntsman out of the Republican Race Quits

Quitting... do you understand? do you have to say it in Chinese?

Fat Republican Newt Gingrich Buttons Up

Congratulations buddy.

Republicans New Hampshire Primary Results January 10-2012 Romney on Top New Hampshire Primary Mitt Romney Votes: 61,107 38% Ron Paul Votes: 38,069 24% Jon Huntsman Votes: 26,998 17% Rick Santorum Votes: 15,711 10% Newt Gingrich Votes: 15,668 10% Rick Perry Votes: 1,182 1% Updated Caucus is Jan 10, 2012 CANDIDATESVOTES% OF VOTE.✔ Mitt Romney (R)90,918       39% Ron Paul (R)52,842      23% Jon Huntsman (R)38,963       17% Newt Gingrich (R)21,742      9% Rick Santorum (R)21,562      9% Rick Perry (R)1,612      1%

Rick Perry on Choochoo Train in New Hampshire Primary Waterloo

Image Have nice time that is all and no prospect in primaries.

Video Republican Candidates Debate New Hampshire NBC January 8-2012 Sunday morning. Mitt Romney on the top of the gang. Newt Gringrich acts as a bull dog barking at Mitt Romney so Idiot Rick Santorum. Idiot Rick Perry talks as a stupid parrot for the Tea Party. Conservative principles nonsense. Huntsman talking about he puts America First. Baloney. Romney cuts entitlements ... for rich ... fine. Rick Perry attacks the help to the poor by government. Voucher for medicare recipients. Ron Paul big words and empty. Mitt Attacks Obamacare. Fat Gingrich never mentions Clinton adminstration accomplishments and claim it for himselves. Ron Paul got to the floor all his suggestions to the

New Hampshire Republican President Candidates Debate January-07-2011 ABC Video 9pm ET / 6pm PT on ABC Location: Saint Anselm College in Manchester, New Hampshire Sponsor: ABC News and WMUR Participants : Santorum, Romney, Paul, Perry, Gingrich, Huntsman

Rick Santorum anti-Islam Bigot and Dangerous Hitler Rick Santorum is crazy about attacking Islam. He is Roman Catholic bigot.

Republican Candidates Poll till January-05-2011

Mitt Romney Former Governor of Massachusetts 27 Newt Gingrich Former Speaker of the House 19 Rick Santorum Former Senator from Pennsylvania 15 Ron Paul U.S. Representative from Texas 12 Rick Perry Governor of Texas 6 Jon Huntsman Former Governor of Utah 2 Michele Bachmann

Rick Santorum the Road to No Where Republicans Presidential Primaries 2012

Rick Santorum: The Underdog With A Loud Bark

Islam hater Michelle Bachmann out of the Republican Race

The arrogant Islam Hater and religious bigot finished sixth in Iowa Republican caucus and she announced she quit the race and no plan for New Hampshire. Go make some dip and Salsa and get the recipe correct. Crazy Bachmann the misinformed: http://news.yah In September, after Bachmann wrongly said vaccines might cause retardation , While discussing where to hold her campaign kickoff in Waterloo, Rollins, then the campaign manager mentioned that he had wanted Ronald Reagan in 1984 to visit Wayne’s birthplace. “I think it’s near Waterloo,” he said to Bachmann and the other aides in the meeting. [Campaign manager Keith] Nahigian later learned that it wasn’t, but Bachmann ended up repeating the error. Bachmann said it was the home of John Wayne. It turned out John Wayne Gacy had spent time in Waterloo instead. Nahigian gave her the talking point that she used on Aug. 16 in South Carolina that it was Elvis Presley’s birthday when it was actually the anniversary...

After Iowa Romney and Santorum in the Lead Gingrich and Perry in Garbage


Cowboy Rick Perry back to Texas after Great Humiliation in Iowa

Bye Charlie.

Tight Race in Iowa the Evangelicals Mystery Vote

Arrogant Newt Gingrich Sinks Down the Toilet in Iowa because of Immorality video

Last Iowa GOP Debate Sets Stage for High Drama on January 3

Last Iowa GOP Debate Sets Stage for High Drama on January 3,_2012 That big.