Islam hater Michelle Bachmann out of the Republican Race

The arrogant Islam Hater and religious bigot finished sixth in Iowa Republican caucus and she announced she quit the race and no plan for New Hampshire. Go make some dip and Salsa and get the recipe correct.

Crazy Bachmann the misinformed:

In September, after Bachmann wrongly said vaccines

While discussing where to hold her campaign kickoff in Waterloo, Rollins, then the campaign manager mentioned that he had wanted Ronald Reagan in 1984 to visit Wayne’s birthplace. “I think it’s near Waterloo,” he said to Bachmann and the other aides in the meeting. [Campaign manager Keith] Nahigian later learned that it wasn’t, but Bachmann ended up repeating the error.

Bachmann said it was the home of John Wayne. It

Nahigian gave her the talking point that she used on Aug. 16 in South Carolina that it was Elvis Presley’s birthday when it was actually the anniversary of his death, aides said.

In September, Gabriel reported that the time Bachmann said the American Revolution started in Concord, New Hampshire, instead of Concord, Massachusetts; it was because staffers had given her wrong info.


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