
Showing posts from January, 2013

LA Times January-08-2013

Image 100 years birth anniversary. Chuck Hagel nomination for secretary of defense troubles. with Obama Huell Howser Death at 67 Bashar El Assad of Syria Criminal Man

US Supreme Court Justices Photos

John Roberts Antonin Scalia Anthony Kennedy Clarence Thomas Ruth Bader Ginsburg Stephen Breyer Samuel Alito Sonia Sotomayor Elena Kagan

Barack Obama Jaunary-7-2013

He forged his views of the military in the mine-plagued fields of Vietnam. Now Chuck Hagel may become the first Vietnam veteran to serve as U.S. defense secretary

The new, 113th Congress includes the first Buddhist to serve in the Senate, the first Hindu to serve in either chamber and the first member of Congress to describe her religion as “none,”

The new, 113th Congress includes the first Buddhist to serve in the Senate, the first Hindu to serve in either chamber and the first member of Congress to describe her religion as “none,” continuing a gradual increase in religious diversity that mirrors trends in the country as a whole. While Congress remains majority Protestant, the institution is far less so today than it was 50 years ago, when nearly three-quarters of the members belonged to Protestant denominations. Catholics have seen the biggest gains among the 533 members who are scheduled to be sworn in on Jan. 3. 1 Catholics picked up seven seats, for a total of 163, raising their share to just over 30%. Protestants and Jews experienced the biggest declines in numerical terms. Jews now hold 33 seats (6%), six fewer than in the 112th Congress, where Jews held 39 seats (7%). Protestants lost eight seats, though they continue to occupy about the same proportion of seats (56%) as in the 112th Congress (57%). In addition, the Pro...

American Freshmen,Women Congress 113 List the list of the freshman members in Senate Class 1 . They were first elected in 2012 into the Senate that will commence, in 2013. State Senator Incoming class seniority Party change? Prior political experience Birth year Arizona Flake, Jeff Jeff Flake (R) B ! 2nd (90th overall) No Open seat; Replaced Jon Kyl (R) United States Representative for AZ-6 , United States Representative for AZ-1 1962 Connecticut Murphy, Chris Chris Murphy (D) D ! 4th (92nd overall) Yes/No [ 1 ] Open seat; Replaced Joe Lieberman (I) United States Representative for CT-5 Connecticut Legislature 1973 Hawaii Hirono, Mazie Mazie Hirono (D) E ! 5th (93rd overall) No Open seat; Replaced Daniel Akaka (D) United States Representative for HI-2 , Lieutenant Governor of Hawaii, Hawaii House of Representatives 1947 I...

The Fisical Cliff January-01-2013 It's complex, dense, and filled with compromise. And the deal passed by the Senate to avert the "fiscal cliff" might not even become law, depending what actions the House takes. Here are five things to know about the bill that passed the Senate overwhelmingly in the middle of the night.