يسوع صُلب لأنه طمع في حكم قيصر.
يسوع صُلب لأنه طمع في حكم قيصر.......يوحنا 19:12
يسوع يعترف بأنه غير صالح.......مرقس 10:18
يسوع يسب الناس بآبائهم.....متى 23: 33
يسوع يتلذذ بطيب العاهرات....متى 26:12
يسوع خروف بأمر كوابيس يوحنا.....رؤيا 17:14
يسوع يتعرى أمام الناس ليغسل أفخاذ الرجال ......يوحنا 5:13
يسوع تدلكه النساء بمساج الطيب .....مرقس 14: 8
يسوع ووضعه الشاذ مع حبيبه..... يوحنا 21:20
يسوع الفاشي ...... لوقا 27:19
يسوع يأمر الناس ببيع ثيابهم وشراء سيوف .... لوقا 36:22
يسوع يأمر بقتل النساء والاطفال والحيوانات .... صموئيل الأول 3:15
يسوع يسب الأمم ويعتبرهم كلاب وخنازير.....متى 7:6
يسوع ينتقم من شجرة التين بسبب جهله......متى 21:19
يسوع ملطشة فبصقوا عليه .....متى 27:30
يسوع من سلالة زنا محارم وحفيد عاهرات..... متى 1:1-25
يسوع العنصري......متى 21:15
يسوع يأمر بسرقة الحمير دون إذن اصحابها ....مرقس11: 2
يسوع يعترف ان تلاميذه أغبياء.....لوقا 24:25
يسوع يقر بأن بطرس شيطان......مرقس 8:33
يسوع مولود داخل زريبة حيوانات .....لوقا 2: 7
يسوع اصاب أمه بالنجاسة ....لاويين 12:2
يسوع يداعب بالسان بطريق شاذة.....مرقس7
يسوع يقع في مصيدة الشيطان.....متى 4: 1
يسوع شايل سيفه ...... متى10: 34
يسوع يبيح أكل لحوم البشر ...... الملوك الثاني 6 : 29-28
يسوع عاق لأمه......يوحنا 2: 4
يسوع مسرح أمه توزع الخمر على الرجال السكارى في الافراح .....يوحنا 1:2
يسوع عايش على أموال العاهرات .....لوقا 8: 3
يسوع يأمر بقطع يد النسوان إذا مسكوا عورات الرجال .... التثنية 11:25
يسوع يقول ان المراه عندما تحيض تكون نجسه كالكلاب.....لاويين 19:15
يسوع حزين لان اخته ليس لها ثديان.....نشيد الانشاد 8:8
يسوع يمدح العضو الذكري للحيوان بهيموث ..... أيوب 16:40
يسوع يأمر الناس بأكل البراز ..... حزقيال 12:4
يسوع يمدح الاعضاء الذكرية للمصريين .... حزقيال 20:23
يسوع ونكاح الخنازير ...... مزامير 13:80
Manners of Jesus disguise his divinity:
Jesus damn himself...... the 21:23
Jesus is a beast because he is the son of a virgin for his mother.....
Jesus encourages bitches on adultery..... When 21:31
Jesus admits it is impure by mosquitoes...... the 21:23
Jesus is crucified because he is greedy in the rule of Caesar....... John 19:12
Jesus admits it's invalid....... Mark 10:18
Jesus insults people with their parents..... When 23: 33
Jesus savoring goodness bitches.... When 26:12
Jesus sheep with the nightmares of John..... Vision 17:14
Jesus naked in front of people to wash men's thighs...... John 5:13
Jesus is being held by women with good work..... Mark 14
Jesus and his gay status with his girlfriend..... John 21:20
Jesus fascist...... Luke 27:19
Jesus orders people to sell their clothes and buy swords.... Luke 36:22
Jesus orders to kill women, children and animals.... Samuel I 3:15
Jesus insults nations and considers them dogs and pigs..... When 7:6
Jesus revenge the fig tree because of his ignorance...... When 21:19
Jesus a spit on him..... When 27:30
Jesus of the breed of incest and grandchild whores..... When 1:1-25
Jesus racist...... When 21:15
Jesus orders to steal donkeys without the permission of their owners.... Mark 11: 2
Jesus admits that his pupils are stupid..... Luke 24:25
Jesus recognizes Peter Satan...... Mark 8:33
Jesus was born inside animal sty..... Luke 2: 7
Jesus hit his mother with dirty.... Lao 12:2
Jesus stroking the SAN PENGUIN PENGUIN..... Mark 7
Jesus falls in devil's trap..... When 4: 1
Jesus carrying his sword...... When 10
Jesus condones cannibalism...... SECOND KINGS 6: 29-28
Jesus punish his mother...... John 2: 4
Jesus the theatre of his mother distributes booze to drunken men in weddings..... John 1:2
Jesus live on the money of bitches..... Luke 8: 3
Jesus orders to cut off women's hands if they catch the fear of men.... Deuteronomy 11:25
Jesus says that a woman when menstruating be his star like dogs..... Lao 19:15
Jesus is sad because his sister has no titties..... Anthem sing 8:8
Jesus praise the male member of the animal...... job 16:40
Jesus orders people eat poop..... Ezekiel 12:4
Jesus praise the male members of Egyptians.... Ezekiel 20:23
Jesus and fuck pigs...... Psalms 13:80
Jesus damn himself...... the 21:23
Jesus is a beast because he is the son of a virgin for his mother.....
Jesus encourages bitches on adultery..... When 21:31
Jesus admits it is impure by mosquitoes...... the 21:23
Jesus is crucified because he is greedy in the rule of Caesar....... John 19:12
Jesus admits it's invalid....... Mark 10:18
Jesus insults people with their parents..... When 23: 33
Jesus savoring goodness bitches.... When 26:12
Jesus sheep with the nightmares of John..... Vision 17:14
Jesus naked in front of people to wash men's thighs...... John 5:13
Jesus is being held by women with good work..... Mark 14
Jesus and his gay status with his girlfriend..... John 21:20
Jesus fascist...... Luke 27:19
Jesus orders people to sell their clothes and buy swords.... Luke 36:22
Jesus orders to kill women, children and animals.... Samuel I 3:15
Jesus insults nations and considers them dogs and pigs..... When 7:6
Jesus revenge the fig tree because of his ignorance...... When 21:19
Jesus a spit on him..... When 27:30
Jesus of the breed of incest and grandchild whores..... When 1:1-25
Jesus racist...... When 21:15
Jesus orders to steal donkeys without the permission of their owners.... Mark 11: 2
Jesus admits that his pupils are stupid..... Luke 24:25
Jesus recognizes Peter Satan...... Mark 8:33
Jesus was born inside animal sty..... Luke 2: 7
Jesus hit his mother with dirty.... Lao 12:2
Jesus stroking the SAN PENGUIN PENGUIN..... Mark 7
Jesus falls in devil's trap..... When 4: 1
Jesus carrying his sword...... When 10
Jesus condones cannibalism...... SECOND KINGS 6: 29-28
Jesus punish his mother...... John 2: 4
Jesus the theatre of his mother distributes booze to drunken men in weddings..... John 1:2
Jesus live on the money of bitches..... Luke 8: 3
Jesus orders to cut off women's hands if they catch the fear of men.... Deuteronomy 11:25
Jesus says that a woman when menstruating be his star like dogs..... Lao 19:15
Jesus is sad because his sister has no titties..... Anthem sing 8:8
Jesus praise the male member of the animal...... job 16:40
Jesus orders people eat poop..... Ezekiel 12:4
Jesus praise the male members of Egyptians.... Ezekiel 20:23
Jesus and fuck pigs...... Psalms 13:80
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